Does it work on iPads/iPods/iPhones?
Yes! All the videos play on all Apple devices, Android devices and regular desktop computers.
Are these lessons for beginners or advanced players?
At Play Better Drums there is so much emphasis on fundamentals and foundation that the lessons will suit all levels. Everything is explained very methodically and all exercises are slowed down and discussed in detail in every lesson.
Do I have to download the videos to watch them?
No, all the videos are streamed directly to your device. You can watch them anywhere, anytime with an internet connection.
How can I pay for my membership?
You can use any credit card or even funds from your bank account, all through PayPal. PayPal is the number one way to send and receive money on the internet and it’s 100% safe and reliable. If you don’t have a PayPal account, it’ll take a few seconds to set one up by following the instructions when you checkout.
Am I locked in to a long-term commitment?
Nope. You can cancel at any time with the click of one button. (Please read the terms and conditions before you sign-up).

When you enroll you get instant access to:
- New lessons every month
- The complete lesson library (over 300 videos!)
- Downloadable PDF's and world-class play-alongs
- 'Lick of the Month' Lessons
- Footage from performances and the practice room
- Request lessons and get feedback on your playing